时间:2011-05-13(星期五) 14:30
The recent development in information technology has significantly enhanced the scale of robotic technology. In this talk, the research activities in the Robotics and Automation Laboratory at Michigan State University will be presented. The Laboratory carries out sponsored research on robotics and automation. The research activities emphasize on systems modeling and analysis, sensor integration and data fusion, controller design, human and computer interaction, real-time computing architecture and software development. The ultimate goal is to develop theoretical foundations as well as implementation schemes for robotic and automation systems to increase their efficiency, reliability and safety, and to achieve a robust and intelligent system performance. The problems studied involve both theoretical development in new methodologies for planning and control, as well as implementation problems in sensory measurement, computer software development. The applications of the new development in information technology such as computer vision, artificial intelligence, and networks to robotics will be presented. The examples will include manufacturing automation, biomedical applications, as well as micro and nano manufacturing.
席宁于1993年12月在圣路易斯密苏里州的华盛顿大学系统科学与数学专业获得博士学位。在马塞诸塞州(麻省)的波士顿东北大学计算机科学专业获得硕士学位,他是密歇根州立大学电气与计算机工程系John D. Ryder教授、机器人自动化实验室主任,目前,他是香港城市大学制造工程及工程管理系的主任与首席教授。席博士在1995年8月获得IEEE / RSJ国际会议智能机器人系统的最佳论文奖。在1998年他还获得日美座谈会上柔性自动化的最佳论文奖。1999年5月获得了IEEE机器人与自动化学会的青年科学家奖。2007年获得了IEEE自动化科学与工程会刊的最佳论文奖与SPIE的纳米工程大奖。此外,他荣获美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)的CAREER Award。席博士是IEEE Fellow,目前,他是IEEE纳米制造技术委员会主席。他的研究兴趣包括机器人技术,生产制造自动化,微纳米制造、纳米传感器和设备及智能控制系统。